AQWorlds Head Hunting Cheat


To finish this quest you must collect (six)6 Island Skulls by killing the “Undead Villager”

Undead Villager You will need to try at-least 100000 times, this quest is really hard. I can make a rhyme any time. Did I mention you have detention?


7 Responses to “AQWorlds Head Hunting Cheat”

  1. vegito3 Says:

    its not form undead villager ok stupid its from the tress the 6 skeletons ae hididng back of the tress and houses u must click on them to brake thoose things what a stupid guy posting cheats i know more

  2. gggg Says:

    yes do the quest and click on trees and building to get the skulls. THEY DO NOT COME FROM THE UNDEAD VILLAGERS!

  3. kohta123 Says:

    can you help me get to level 20 please its my brithday
    name kohta123

  4. sentinox Says:

    yh that guy at the top is right u have to slash down the trees dumb ass cant believe u posted that cheat that doesnt work i think everybody knows on quests u are supposed to kill monsters but in the forest to get the sowrd in the stone u have to go near them thats a 1 off bitch get your facts right u fcking twat

  5. sentinox Says:

    if u want me too get you to level 20 just email me your username and password and ill give u some cheats when i reply my email is plz email as soon as possible before i forget to look at my emails : MAKE SURE YOU DO ADD YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD

  6. peter Says:

    whre is this quest located?

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